
  • 17

    students in an average class

  • No. 6

    nationally for participation in short-term study abroad

  • 100%

    of classes taught by faculty (not TAs)

  • 92%

    medical school acceptance rate among Carthage pre-health students. * National average: 41%

  • 2,300

    feet of Lake Michigan shoreline

  • 100%

    of Carthage students receive 奖学金 和 grants


Our campus is a peaceful arboretum with breathtaking lake views — but we’re located in the vibrant city of 出赛, 威斯康辛州, 芝加哥和密尔沃基近在咫尺.

Classes are small with an average of just 17 students — but opportunities loom large. bv伟德ios下载的学生得到梦寐以求的工作和实习机会, 参加28项大学运动, 通过130多个学生组织扩大影响力, pursue passions as far-reaching as underwater study to out-of-this-orbit NASA research.

Carthage’s degree programs are powerful 和 purposeful — but rooted in the liberal arts, so students graduate prepared not just with the skills they need to excel in their first job, but the critical thinking skills 和 adaptability they’ll need to succeed in every job after that.

Click on the categories below to learn why Carthage is widely recognized for excellence, consistently ranked as one of the Best Colleges in the Midwest.

Carthage professors know their students — not just by name, but by what captivates them. 我们的学生与教师比例为13:1,确保了个人的关注. We offer the Bachelor of 艺术 degree in more than 75 subject areas; the Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, 生物学, 化学, 工程, 护理, Physics; as well as a Master of Education, Master of 音乐 (music pedagogy 和 music theatre vocal pedagogy) 和 Master of Science (business design 和 innovation, 体育管理)学位.

  • 被《bv伟德ios下载》评为2024年美国最佳大学.
  • 2024年被普林斯顿评论评为最佳地区学院.
  • 被《BETVLCTOR伟德登录》杂志评为2023年最佳大学之一.
  • Top 10 in the country for student participation in short-term study abroad.
  • 被评为中西部地区最佳大学.S. 新闻 & 世界报告).
  • 被美国大学评为中西部最有价值大学.S. 新闻 & 世界报告(U).S. 新闻 & 世界报告).

Carthage is firmly 和 proudly rooted in a magnificent location — more than 80 lush acres on the shore of Lake Michigan, 位于两个主要都市地区之间. 这个优越的地理位置提供的不仅仅是令人叹为观止的景色. 在校园之外,实习和就业机会比比皆是, 多亏了我们位于密尔沃基-芝加哥走廊的中心位置. 在校园内外有很多事情要做.

Carthage is one of only two liberal arts colleges in the country to lead NASA’s Space Grant Consortium, we’ve been sending students into zero-g for more than a decade. Our students build experiments that fly on Blue Origin rockets 和 are headed for the International Space Station. 这只是我们的空间科学项目. 在bv伟德ios下载,研究是学生体验的一部分.


  • 一位毕业生从斯沃洛校长那里获得毕业证书.


    “We have thought deeply about how we can best serve our students as they pursue their education 和 dreams. Carthage focuses on developing in our students high-value practical skills, 还有无限的求知欲. 学生们在bv伟德ios下载发现了他们的好奇心.” ——约翰·斯Swallow总统

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